Monday, July 15, 2019

Scientific Method Poster Set - Science Posters

Here is a link to some free Scientific Method posters. I love introducing the Scientific Method to my new class at the beginning of the year. It ties in so easily, and well, with all the back to school STEM/Team Building activities.

Usually when I introduce this, I will display the steps of the Scientific Method for my students. Then we will begin working through each step discussing a gesture we think matches each step. I love Whole Brain Teaching, and I believe in incorporating all modalities of learning in each lesson as I best can. Creating a review chant or song with gestures and providing a chart to match checks all my boxes! I then use the different chants/songs as line up call backs. Students in my room are constantly reviewing different material throughout the year, but in a fun way. This gives them something to be saying as they are moving through the room, instead of just free talking.

Some great back to school activities to use these posters with include:

Rosie Revere Engineer: - Create hoop gliders or paper airplanes! Discuss modifications as students work to change and make them better. Tie the experience back to their learning for the year! This is a great way to introduce Growth Mindset too!

My Mouth is a Volcano:  This is another great book to use when establishing procedures at the beginning of the year. (Which is the most important thing you will do ALL year!) A great way to do this is to create anchor charts of your classroom expectations for what each area should "Look Like" and "Sound Like".  I love using this book when we are working on our Carpet Time expectations. What will your carpet time LOOK like? What will it SOUND like? This book is perfect for talking about BLURTS in a fun way! Then we create mini volcanos using baking soda cups. Don't forget to tie it back into your Scientific Method!

The Dot:  My kiddos LOVED this one last year! It's a cross modification between the Warm Fuzzies and A House for Henry! We called it Adopt a Dot! There are so many fun activities to go with this Peter Reynolds book, but this one was my favorite last year too! The only prep for this activity is creating the Dots themselves. I highly recommend you yourself do this, or enlist the help of a parent volunteer. I burned myself a few times with the hot glue gun! LOL!  The day before we began the project I walked students through it. Then I invited them to bring in whatever supplies they could find at home that could be up-cycled to create their Dot home! They were very creative, shared materials and advice, and had a blast! There were lots of modifications being made across the classroom which tied in perfectly with our Scientific Method and Growth Mindset!

You can grab this FREEBIE here!

Wednesday, July 10, 2019


Viva Las Vegas! I lived. I learned. I laughed. I ate!  I didn’, sleep or come home with any money! I metso many amazing people, made some new inspirational friends, deepened friendships, and ran into some old friends too. Vegas was...well... eye-opening for a home-grown tomato like myself from a small Missouri farm town. 

This was the first time in my life I traveled by myself (okay I cheated and had a good friend with me when I flew out). Let’s just say, this was my first time traveling without my family. A few things I learned along the way from my good friend Cheryl Dick over at Cheryl's Classroom Tips
1. Watch which baggage tram to take or you’ll end upon the opposite side of the airport as your luggage! 
2. Should number #1 happen, don’t fret. Just find the shuttle that takes all the lost souls back to the correct terminal to get your luggage. 
3. Taxi Drivers will try to take you the long way even ifthey say it’s the short way. Do your research ahead oftime to sound like you are a pro so they won’t try to pull one over on you. 
4. If they don’t go the way you ask them to, and it takes longer than you know it should, don’t tip as big. 
5. It’s safer, and cheaper, to pay the taxi driver with cash. This way they don’t have your info and some charge a fee to use a card. 
6. Don’t talk about your room number in the hallway.
7. If you get on an elevator by yourself with other strangers, let them hit their floor first. 
8. If you forget #7 and hit your floor, and the person getting on with you doesn’t, then exits on the same floor as you...don’t go to your room until they go into theirs. It’s just safer to make sure they actually are supposed to be on that floor. 
9. Anytime you leave your room make sure your door closes and locks behind you! 
10. If you want a pretty picture with the sparkly girl’s on the Vegas strip, simply because you like sparkly things, it will cost you money! 😂 (This holds true for the scantily dressed males as well I’ve heard!) 😂 
10. Hairspray on the Vegas strip costs $25.00! Yep! You read that right! $25.00 at Walgreens. So...pack a tiny bottle in your carry on or be prepared to check a bag if you want to bring a big one! 🤣

This was an amazing experience, and I have grown so much in  the 3 days since I left my small town in Missouri. I am ready to be back home, but I can’t wait to do the SDE National Conference again! ❤️