Monday, January 27, 2020

Austin, Texas SDE Conference for 2nd and 3rd Grade Teachers

Oh my goodness! I had the most amazing time at the Austin Conference! What an enthusiastic and passionate group of teachers! I loved their energy, excitement and questions. Per there requests I will be posting some of my favorite math games and activities! Most of these ideas are not my own, but I may have tweaked them from their original form. One thing I love about teaching, is that we all put our own spin on things! Use what you want! My only request is that if you find something golden, or tweak it to make it better, that you share that back with the rest of us!

~Working Together!
Emalie Lindsey

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Austin, TX SDE

Austin, TX Here I Come!

I am super excited to be invited to speak at the Texas Conference for Second & Third Grade Teachers with SDE! Teaching is my passion, and I'm bringing all that passion with me to this conference! 


I've spent this year working with the MSU Internship Academy  where I have learned a LOT! Teaching can be challenging...okay teaching IS challenging! It's difficult to balance the different aspects: planning, grading, analyzing, building relationships, managing the classroom..the list goes on. It is difficult, but it is do-able! For me it is truly about relationships and engagement! 

I love data! I love looking at the pre-assessment compared to the post-assessment! I love thinking about, "How can I teach this standard in a memorable and meaningful way?" I am excited to share some of my favorite activities and techniques with anyone who is willing to listen because I believe that learning should be fun! If I can make my students WANT to be at school, then the learning WILL happen! Attitude is everything! When they are invested, they are growing! 

Please check out the Teacher Resource page as I am trying to update it as often as possible with free resources! If you grab something, I would love a quick comment letting me know what you think! I would also love to hear how you used it, modified it, and made it your own! That is truly how we grow! 

~Working Together, 